The blood of our Messiah has in it everything we need. It's ALL in the blood: redemption, forgiveness, healing, and blessing. The blood of Jesus also takes away guilt, shame, condemnation, fear and torment. We are known by our love. In John 13:35 it says "By this shall all men know you are my disciples, if you have love one to another." God has made it so the only way you fellowship with Him is to fellowship with one another. Talent is developed alone, but character is developed among others. Yeshua didn't say if you just love me, you are my disciples. He said if you love one another, you are my disciples. There is an evidence you are fellowshipping with God when you want to fellowship with others. God loves people. When you love people, it shows you love God! The blood flows and circulates through fellowship with others. The blood supplies what we do need and gets rid of the "stuff" we don't need! (It brings in the supply and takes out the trash)! The blood is the liquid love that flows from the heart of God and gives us hope in every situation. The blood reaches into heavens highest places and into mans lowest place. Jesus demonstrated the greatest love ever when He gave His blood and as we stand in faith in the blood, we experience life to the full, healing, victory, blessing and restoration...ONCE AND FOR ALL. It is finished.
IN WHOM WE HAVE REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD, EVEN THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS. COLOSSIANS 1:14... Did you know that the blood of a baby in the womb never comes in contact with the mother and that it is contributed by the male seed, not by the female egg? This was a divine plan of God when He designed men & women. God knew He would need to send a Savior into the world to redeem them!!! We all need a SAVIOR and only the blood of Jesus can cleanse us and make us white as snow!!! Redeem means to pay a price to ransom someone. Our redemption could only be bought with the perfect, pure blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus came from the Holy Spirit when He overshadowed Mary, therefore the blood of Jesus was completely pure. His blood was the only blood that could pay for our sins because it came directly from God and was never contaminated with sin. It was the perfect payment and sacrifice for our forgiveness!!!The blood of Christ is still cleansing and washing us today as much as it did two t
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