"Therefore, IF anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17. I believe this new creature is not the old man renovated or refreshed, He is a new species with a new family,new values, new ambitions, with new possessions! Imagine this! Whoever you were before as a Jew, Greek, slave or free, Zulu, British, Indian, Muslim or American, Japanese or Congolese, ETC, ETC; is now dead and gone! They all died when Jesus died! This is not the law here! The "If" in, If any man is in Christ,is not a condition, It is the conclusion of the revelation of the Kingdom! Man is in Christ by God's doing! Verses 14-16 give context to verse 17! Paul said "Therefore" at the beginning of verse 17 which immediately includes verses 14-16!!! If God's faith sees every man in Christ in His death, then they were certainly in His resurrection. Jesus did not reveal a "potential" in you, He revealed the truth about you so that you may know the truth about yourself and be free indeed! So, Let us all put on our "new man" clothes and not keep putting on that "old suit" of that old dead life...They don't fit you anymore!
IN WHOM WE HAVE REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD, EVEN THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS. COLOSSIANS 1:14... Did you know that the blood of a baby in the womb never comes in contact with the mother and that it is contributed by the male seed, not by the female egg? This was a divine plan of God when He designed men & women. God knew He would need to send a Savior into the world to redeem them!!! We all need a SAVIOR and only the blood of Jesus can cleanse us and make us white as snow!!! Redeem means to pay a price to ransom someone. Our redemption could only be bought with the perfect, pure blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus came from the Holy Spirit when He overshadowed Mary, therefore the blood of Jesus was completely pure. His blood was the only blood that could pay for our sins because it came directly from God and was never contaminated with sin. It was the perfect payment and sacrifice for our forgiveness!!!The blood of Christ is still cleansing and washing us today as much as it did two t
Hmmm, I agree. It seems that if you continue to reach way back into the closet and ignore the new wardrobe it might be irreverent fi you asked for it to begin with. If we are bigger in spirit because of being a new creation in Christ, it would seem right that He would grow in us. Like it was said new wine cannot go into an old wine skin. Roland Jutras