This verse from Exodus says "You shall have no other gods before me." Do we really need this commandment? Yes, we certainly do. Whatever holds the highest place in a person's life is a god. I heard a story that said there is a museum in China where there is an exhibit called "The American God." What do you think it was? It is a dollar bill, nicely framed. I find it strange how mankind turns away from the living God, who is revealed in nature and the Bible, and invents imaginary gods to fit there unbelieving hearts. Some worship pleasure, some others worship reason, philosophy, or business. But all these things are as imperfect as humans themselves. Those who trust in these kind of things will be left without a light in the dark night, until the words of the first commandment meets them in the judgment...."Thou shalt have no other gods before me." We are to fear, love, and trust in God alone, above all other people and things.
IN WHOM WE HAVE REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD, EVEN THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS. COLOSSIANS 1:14... Did you know that the blood of a baby in the womb never comes in contact with the mother and that it is contributed by the male seed, not by the female egg? This was a divine plan of God when He designed men & women. God knew He would need to send a Savior into the world to redeem them!!! We all need a SAVIOR and only the blood of Jesus can cleanse us and make us white as snow!!! Redeem means to pay a price to ransom someone. Our redemption could only be bought with the perfect, pure blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus came from the Holy Spirit when He overshadowed Mary, therefore the blood of Jesus was completely pure. His blood was the only blood that could pay for our sins because it came directly from God and was never contaminated with sin. It was the perfect payment and sacrifice for our forgiveness!!!The blood of Christ is still cleansing and washing us today as much as it did two t
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